1st & 3rd Mondays in month 12:30 White Harte Hotel
2nd & 4th Mondays in month 19:00 Royal Corinthian Yacht Club
5th Monday in month various venues
Apologies to dinner secretary or email

The Rotary Club of Burnham on Crouch & Dengie Hundred is one of over 1,800 clubs with over 58,000 members throughout the UK.
Rotary is the World’s largest Non-Religious, Non-Political, and Non-Sectarian Service Organisation with some 1,200,000 members operating in 168 countries world-wide.
Locally, we have nearly 40 members drawn from all sectors of the community within the Dengie Hundred.
As well as raising funds for charity and supporting good causes in our community, we also have an extensive social programme and functions which are enjoyed by our members, families, and friends.
Charities we have supported over the last 12 months include Knightswood day care centre in Asheldam and the Essex Air Ambulance.
To contact us if you would like to learn more about the Rotary organisation, our club, or membership please email or telephone 07973 175501
THANK YOU from the Rotary Club of Burnham on Crouch & Dengie Hundred to the entrants, helpers and generous sponsorship from our main sponsor Burnham Waters as well as:-
Burnham Town Council. T.D & A.M Bugg Ltd. Buxton & Sons. Dengie Crops Ltd., Fisher Farms Ltd. R.B. Haigh & Sons. J.D. Mee & Sons L.T. Plant Hire. Rayner Foods Ltd and Savages Pharmacy.
Your support has helped us raise several thousand pounds which will be distributed to several charities including the Essex Air Ambulance and Little Havens Hospice and the Sick Children’s Trust amongst others.
For more information and to view photos of the event please visit our gallery pages on this website.